A regular maintenance routine guarantees an optimal functioning during de UPS' lifespan. It should always be taken into account that heat and dust contribute to the wear of the electronic components and citrcuits, when exposing the equipment to tough working conditions. This is why the environment where the equipment is located oughts to be clean, ventilated, dry and protected from sudden voltage changes. There are two types of maintenance that can be performed on this equipment: Preventive maintenance and Corrective maintenance.
Here are some items to take into account when carrying out the maintenance on the equipment:
- Preventive Maintenance
- It is recommended to regularly examine (every 6 months at most) the equipment while functioning. Conductance measurements should be performed in order to examine the battery banks. It is also recommended to clean the UPS electronics module.
- Corrective Maintenance
- Corrective maintenance is performed when the equipments suffers severe damage or major failure. In this case, replacement parts, consumable or equipment parts may be required. Our highly skilled technical staff will examine the equipment on-site and evaluate the situation. Generally, the repair of the system is carried out in a specialized laboratory, properly equiped. While in this situation, the customer may obtain a replacement equipment