The successfull execution of any data center project depends not only in te purchase and installation of the equipment, but also in the process of creation and doing, from the conception to the implementation.
Our company identifies the stages of the process and the services provided in each stage as follows:

APD Global Services provides the necessary information to design your solutions and achieve and ideal performance.
Our advisory service assures an ideal performance, extends the hardware's useful life and ensures the highest availability of the network.
The service includes a visit from one of our field engineers to collect data about electric charges, wiring practices, energy quality, existence of equipment for the protection of enegy and environmental conditions. The gathering of this information allows us to develop a custom-made report that includes installation planning of your data center.
- Highly skilled proffesionals
- Custom-made reports
- Environmental inspection
- Workforce and transportation expenses
APD Global Services provide a wide range of on-line tools to help in the planning and design of a custom-made solution for your Data center
This tools go from UPS equipment to a customized rack system which has been previously selected in order to assit the specific need of the customer.
We guarantee a service that has been designed to help you fulfill your project within a stablished time lapse and budget.
Our management service has been designed to assist you during the development of large scale projects, allowing you to focus on the goals of your core business.
Our professionals have been trained to lead the action, facilitate comunication and manage the assigned budget, in order to assure the fullfillment of the project without falling into unnecesary expenses, protecting your time and money.
- Highly skilled professionals
- Perdonalized service
- Written reports
- Workforce and transportation expenses included
APD Global Services helps to prepare your workplace for a quick and efficent installation of the equipment:
This service provides a simple identification of the minimun conditions required for the installation of the system. Once it has been delivered, our customers have full control over the programming of the project.
- Highly skilled and certified field engineers
- Customized Assitence
- Visual Inspection
- Coordination of transportation
- Coordination of the project
- Written Reports
- Workforce and transportation expenses included
APD Global Services performs tryouts within a testing environment before connecting the equipment to a critical charge.
Prior to the installation, we test our equipment in the laboratory in order to confirm that it has been properly configured, that it is completely functional and that it will integrate correctly with de pre-existing infrastucture. This is how we avoid unnecesary delays and unexpected events when starting up the equipments.
Our service is flexible and adaptable to the requirements of every project.
Through the assembly start-up service, APD Global Services offers a quick and efficent implementation of the solution.
Our installation process and testing phase, both certified by American Power Convertion, assure our customers their equipment has been properly configured for an optimal performance, protecting their time and money and prolonging the lifespan of the acquired hardware.
Our service is organized in a way that allows our customers to determine weather if they choose to hire a whole package, or only one of its stages (assembly / start-up) depending on what is more convinient for the project.
- Multiple service levels
- Higly skilled and certified field engineers
- Coordination of transportation
- Equipment Placing
- Assembly
- Inspection of the installation
- 24/7 upgrade (optional)
APD Global Services assits you in every aspect of moving from an existing solution to the new one we provide, from transfering to the new server and wire management to software integration.
In the case of installing the management software, we assure a correct integration within the existent monitoring system, permitting the customer to oversee the network as they choose to.
- Highly skilled and certified field engineers
- Workforce and transportation expenses included
- 24/7 programming service (Optional)
Our instructors will help you obtain the demanded skills to optimize the disponibility and productivity of you equipment, while reducing support requirements.
Trainning is both a crucial component and the key driving force in the life cycle of a Data center.
Our service aims to assist you in learning about the solution provided and updating you on the current leading technologies and tendencies in the sector.
APD Global services offers an examination of your system meant to ensure an optimal performance and prevent any setback.
Air and energy systems contain pieces that must be replaced after a period of time. With the proper care and a regular maintanance we assure the avoidance of unnecesary time loss and the safeguard of both your time and investment.
Our preventive mainteinance service guarantees the high level of service your system needs and the tranquility you deserve.
- Highly skilled and certified field engineers
- Environmental inspection
- Replacement of equipment pieces
- Firmware update
- Cleaning of the system
- 24/7 Upgrade (Optional)
- Functional check
- Corrective maintenance
- Coordination of transportation
Nowadays the maintanance of your on-line systems is of major importance for your bussiness.
Our field engineers work on-site to isolate and correct any problem thay may appear, minimizing the lapse of inactivity of the system.
- Highly skilled and certified field engineers
- Scaling procedures
- On-site problem solving
- Written reports
- Remediation processes
- Equipment pieces included
- Workforce and transportation included
APD Global Services guarantees a 24hour supervision over your system to corroborate a proper functioning.
Our remote web monitoring service is inexpensive and very easy to use. It reduces the complexity of handling infrastructure, minimizes the use of internal resources and allows to achieve high disposnibility.
- 24/7 Proactive monitoring
- Report of system state
- Multi-device support
- Alarm
- On-line setup wizard
- Trend analysis
APD Global Services provides an extention of coverage beyond the manufacturer's warranty.
Through this service we ensure our customers that in the event of failure, the equipment will be inmediately repared or replaced, minimizing the time lapse of inactivity.
The warranty assures that the following bussiness day, the replacement pieces or whole equipment will be delivered.
- Transportation included
- Equipment pieces included
APD Global services offers a wide range of resources and solutions aimed directly at high-density applications, such as blade server development and server consolidation; and designed to successfully develop them.
We offer solutions for server rooms and data centers that include UPS, RACKS, PDU's, air conditioners, etc. which are related to achieve the required disponibility level.
APD Global services provides solutions that can help you improve the availability of your storage applications, weather if their connection is direct, through a network or both.
Other applications:
- Server consolidation
- Wiring closet
- VoIP
- Servers